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Partnership with FHS

We are working closely with our local secondary school, Featherstone High School, to provide our pupils with exciting opportunities, help to improve pupil outcomes and support our staff with their professional development. 

Reading Mentors

Pupils from Year 12 provide weekly reading support for Clifton pupils across the school as reading mentors. The pupils are visited once or twice a week by their mentor and together they read and discuss the latest book they have checked out from our school library. 

Here are things we have partnered with them for in the past. 

Year 6 Go Climbing! 

Each week as part of the Physical Education Curriculum, all Year 6 pupils get the chance to complete a 6 week Climbing Course at FHS! They are taught by a member of the FHS PE Team, alongside our very own Mr Hilmi. This has given our pupils a brand new experience which they are absolutely loving and with Climbing becoming an Olympic Sport in 2020, who knows... we could have some future Olympians just starting off! 

Year 12 Work Experience

Each week we host approximately 40 Year 12 pupils from FHS. They are working across the school to gain experience in different aspects of school life. They support children in their lessons, support the school office in administration tasks and also work with our medical lead to support her in caring for pupils who are injured or unwell. This invaluable experience is equipping the Year 12 pupils with important life skills such as; independence, effective communication, and a sense of responsibility.  

Homework Mentors

For the past three years, we have been working with Featherstone High School to support their pupils in their extra-curricular activities.

Pupils from Year 8 provide daily support for Clifton pupils from Year 2 to 6 during homework club. This experience provides the pupils of Featherstone with the opportunity to support our pupils in their homework, but also to grow in confidence and get a feel for what they would like to do as a job when they are older. 

The Clifton pupils really enjoy getting to know the Year 8 pupils and have them support them in their homework.  

Professional Development for Staff

We have worked alongside Featherstone High School to support each other in our own professional development. 

English and Maths teachers from the high school have observed lessons in Year 5 in order to see the expectations of the pupils and how they can support them when they transition over to Year 7. 

Two members of the geography team from Featherstone High School ran a session for Clifton staff which included; making geography more practical, fieldwork skills and using geography equipment and resources effectively such as; maps. 

The UKS2 Team said after the session, 'This has helped us to develop our subject knowledge and made us more confident in planning engaging classroom activities for our pupils.'

Geography Club Leaders

We are lucky enough to have a number of pupils from Year 12 who are currently studying fir their A Level in Geography running an after school club for pupils in Years 4, 5 and 6. 

This is a great way for our pupils to learn about subjects which interest them from pupils not far off their own age. The Year 12 pupils are gaining knowledge in; lesson planning, teaching, assessing and their confidence is growing more and more each week. 

Year 6 Visit FHS for Science Workshops

Year 6 pupils took part in two exciting Science afternoons at Featherstone High School. 

Malala Class took part in a workshop about animals and their habitats. They were given the opportunity to hold real life animals, such as; a frog, lizard and snake! 

Gandhi Class took part in a DNA lesson. They used scientific equipment to extract the DNA from a kiwi fruit, and put it inside a necklace for each of them to keep.