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To help our children understand their behaviour more, we use the Zones of Regulation Framework and teach the Mind Up Programme. We also have a team of dedicated Well Being Buddies, all of which you can learn more about below.

We have very high expectations for our children and expect them to be responsible citizens who support their own learning and that of their peers by following our schools values through:

  • Showing Respect
  • Having determination
  • Caring for everyone and everything
  • Being United

Recognition for Displaying Expected Behaviour in class  

  • Staff congratulate children using descriptive praise e.g.
    Well done for persevering with that task and showing determination!
    Well done for being good!
  • Class Dojo is used to recognise pupil’s displaying expected behaviour and their achievements.   
  • Pupils receive awards for reaching different milestones of collecting Dojo points at the end of each half term in a celebration assembly.

75 Dojos = Bronze Award
200 Dojos = Silver Award
300 Dojos = Gold Award
500 Dojos = Platinum Award

Pupils will be rewarded with these awards in school assembly by the Pastoral Lead, Miss Emma.

  • Every other week, teachers choose one child from their class who has demonstrated one of the school values. The child receives a certificate in celebration assembly and the class teacher explains why they have won the award, allowing the child to share examples of their work, if applicable. 

Consequences for Unexpected Behaviour during class time

We understand that when a child is displaying unexpected behaviour, it is a method of communication, we only see the behaviour and not the journey the child has been on. We do not use the words naughty or bad to describe children.

At times, children will display unexpected behaviours such as;

  • Talking during teacher talk
  • Distracting other learners
  • Not following adult instructions

We use a tier system to respond to unexpected behaviours:

  1. Children are given a verbal reminder explaining clearly what is expected; referring to ZOR that they are in. This would be when the child is displaying minimal, low level disruption.  
  2. REFLECTION YR 1: 5 mins / YR 2-6: 10 mins.
    The child has an in class reflection at a place with ZOR resources. A discussion with the child is to be had to ask if they want support from other learners to return to the green zone or to be by themselves – creating independent thinkers. The aim is to return to their original learning place and return to the green zone. This would be when the child has had a verbal prompt but continues to display minimal, low level disruption or their unexpected behaviours have increased.
  3. EXTERNAL REFLECTION YR 1: 10 mins / YR 2 – 6: 20 mins
    The child has an external reflection in another classroom with work. Parents/carers will be informed at the end of the day. The aim is to return to their original learning place afterwards and have returned to the green zone. The receiving class teacher should welcome the child and offer regulation support. This would be when the child has had a verbal prompt and an internal reflection but continues to display low level disruption or their unexpected behaviours have increased.
    At this stage, the child will spend time at the Inclusion Room’s ZOR area and discuss the ZOR they were in with Miss Emma. Miss Emma will decide at this stage, if a child should miss their break/lunch or a proportion of it. If Miss Emma is not available then the child will go to Miss Barum.

The number of visits to Miss Emma/Miss Barum will be monitored to see if the child requires a behaviour intervention such as a Social Emotional Mental Health Plan or an Incredible 5 Point Scale (link below). These will be in place for a set period of time, in order to allow the pupil to make improvements to displaying expected behaviours.

Serious Unexpected Behaviour 

If a child displays serious unexpected behaviour, a member of the Senior Leadership is contacted immediately. These behaviours include:

  • Intentional physical abuse
  • Intentionally damaging property; including stealing
  • Swearing
  • Bullying
  • Discrimination against anyone because of the Protected Characteristics as outlined in the Equality Act 2010
  • age
  • gender reassignment
  • being married or in a civil partnership
  • being pregnant or on maternity leave
  • disability
  • race including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin
  • religion or belief
  • sex
  • sexual orientation

We do not tolerate bullying of any kind. If we discover that an act of bullying or intimidation has taken place, we act immediately to stop any further occurrences of such behaviour. While it is very difficult to eradicate bullying, we do everything in our power to ensure that all children attend school free from fear.

The Incredible 5 Point Scale