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Active and Safe Travel

At Clifton, we believe that active travel is very beneficial to both children and staff. Active travel to school helps to wake up the mind and body. It can also help to reduce congestion and pollution and improve safety around the school gates. 

Active travel can:

  • Increase the concentration of children by up to four hours
  • Strengthen the relationship between physical activity and academic performance
  • Build exercise into the daily routine
  • Can help to reduce anxiety and stress​​​

Luckily, most of our children live very close by to school and because of this they are able to actively travel to and from school. Some children cycle or scoot to travel. We have a place for you to secure your bikes and scooters at school so please do use them. 

We ask all parents to support us in encouraging children to  walk, cycle or scoot whenever possible.  If it is essential that you use a car please can you park 5 minutes walk away from the school and walk to the school from where your car is parked.

Not using your car has a number of benefits for the whole school community:

  • It keeps the roads immediately outside school much safer for our children
  • It minimises congestion 
  • It supports our Healthy Schools status
  • It promotes better relationships with our neighbours
  • It keeps local pollution to a minimum

There may be days when you have to use a car to come to school.  In those cases please do not park in front of our neighbours garages, on the zigzag road markings or within 10 metres of a junction.

Scooter Training - Wednesday 12th October 2022 

Our year 6 children took part in the scooter training and they were provided with helmets, scooters and shin pads. All of the children were able to scoot freely to music on the playground and they absolutely loved it.

If any children needed more support, James was very attentive and encouraged the children to think about their balance and coordination. The children really enjoyed this training and I could see how happy they were, some children gaining more confidence to scoot and have fun whilst being active!

Junior Travel Ambassadors Keeping our Roads Safe - Thursday 14th July 

Our JTA's have been working so hard on improving the safety of the surrounding roads, encouraging families who live nearby to walk, scoot or cycle to school and not use a vehicle unless it is totally necessary. We will continue with our passion to ensure the safety of our children, families and staff at Clifton.

Happy Shoes Day Thursday 28th April

On this day we came to school wearing our favourite shoes. The staff also took part and some wore trainers, slippers or shoes that make us feel good. Happy shoes day was a way to encourage children and staff to actively travel to school. It was very successful and we could see how happy it made all of us at Clifton!

We will definitely be hosting a day like this again later on in the year.

The Safer Neighbourhood Officers

Transport For London Gold Award and School of the Region

We were extremely proud to have been awarded both the TfL Gold STARs Award and School of the Region Award.

Two of our pupil councillors attended the award ceremony at City Hall in November 2017. At the ceremony, we were able to meet other schools who had gone above and beyond in the fundraising and raising awareness of active travel, it was great to share ideas with many of them and see all the great projects they had worked on. We have managed to maintain this award ever since. 

Road Safety

Here at Clifton, road safety is extremely important to us. Every year we hold assemblies and events to promote road safety and we have tried so many ways to ensure the safety of our children and staff.

We have had the support of Ealing's safer neighbourhoods team, in raising awareness of parking in a safe place, crossing the road safely and not blocking the gates of the school.

Our Junior Travel Ambassadors (JTA's) are working hard to ensure that the children at Clifton are safe when travelling to and from school.

We really appreciate parents cooperation in ensuring the roads around Clifton are safe and that they are demonstrating road safety awareness consistently.