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We pride ourselves on being an Inclusive school which supports children with complex medical needs to access education in a safe and supportive environment. We currently support children with the following medical conditions/needs:


Miss Tracy

Keeping our children healthy and safe is of the upmost importance at Clifton Primary School. To do this, we have a full time designated Medical Needs Coordinator called Miss Tracy.

You can find Miss Tracy in the Medical Room between 10.30am and 4.30pm - if you need to discuss your child's health with her please call the office to make an appointment on 0208 574 5712. 


Any child who has been prescribed an inhaler by their GP must have two inhalers in school at all times. This also applies to children who have a 'Temporary Inhaler' due to a short term medical condition. We ask that parents of asthmatic children sign the 'Emergency Inhaler' permission slip to allow them to use our school inhaler should they ever need it. We store emergency inhalers at various points across the school so your child will always be near an inhaler if they cannot access their own. We also take the emergency inhalers on all school trips. 

It is very important that you teach your child how to use their inhaler independently and have regular asthma reviews which you can arrange through your GP. 

Useful websites for Asthmatics are:

Year 6 Asthmatic Support 


Children can suffer from a range of allergies which may cause mild reactions such as itchy skin to severe reactions which can impact on their breathing. If you notice that your child mildly reacts to a food or substance you should make an appointment with your GP and inform Miss Tracy so that we can monitor this at school. If your child ever has any difficulties with their breathing you should call 999 and ask for help. 

If your child is diagnosed with an allergy or an intolerance to any foods or substances, we will request a Medical Care Plan for your child, if you have not already been provided with one. This will usually involve a meeting with Miss Tracy and a nurse from the local nursing team where a plan is created to ensure that your child's medical needs are met at school.  

For children who require medication to alleviate their allergies, we require the same medicines at school. If your child has a severe allergy and they require an Epi Pen, we will require two Epi Pens at school at all times. We ask that parents of children who use an Epi Pen sign the 'Emergency Epi Pen' permission slip to allow them to use our school Epi Pen should they ever need it. 

Useful websites for Allergy Advice are:

First Aid

It is very normal for children to have minor bumps and scrapes at school.

If your child receives first aid at school you will be informed on the day via either a telephone call or a letter depending on how serious the incident was. It is very important that we have the most up to date contact number for parents/carers and an emergency contact number. Please visit the office if you ever need to update your details.

Vomiting and Diarrhoea

If your child has vomited or has diarrhoea, they should not return to school until two days (48 hours) after the vomiting has stopped. 


If your child has Chickenpox, they should not return to school until the scabs have crusted over and show no more signs of infection (redness). Chickenpox can vary depending on different children and can last from a week to a few weeks. 

A useful website to decide if you should keep your child at home:

Missed Education

Sometimes, illnesses can result in long periods of absence for children which can be distressing for both parents/carers and children. We will support families during these times by providing educational resources to be used at home, home visits, hospital visits and phone calls.

Support for Families

If your child, or even you, have a medical condition and you would like further support please make an appointment to see Miss Tracy. 

Useful Documents